Material del workshop internacional «Economic knowledge sharing between Latin America and Asia», organizado por el Korea Development Institute (KDI) y la Corporación de Estudios para Latinoamérica (CIEPLAN), que reunió a expertos de Corea, Chile, Brasil, Argentina, México, Perú, Colombia, Ecuador y Bolivia. 

Promoting Sectors Intensive in Quality Labor through (Korea-Bolivia) Trade
Beatriz Muriel

Presentación de Duol Kim: Comments
Duol Kim

Regional Integration and Infrastructure: The cases of Asia and South America
José Tavares de Arujo

Trade in Differentiated Consumption Goods between South America and Asia
Presentación de Juan Carlos Hallak

Korea’s fine tuning between outward orientation and regulation: Lessons for Latin America
Leonardo Villar

Searching for a Latinamerican Model of Industrialization in the 21st Century
Lucio Castro

Natural Resources and Sustainable Development: Lessons for the Transformation of High Middle Income Countries
Manuel Glave

La Inserción de México en la Economía Global
Mercedes Araoz

Towards the Natural Knowledge Economy
Orazio Bellettini

Asia (China) Impact in Latin America
Patricio Meller, Dan Poniachik, Ignacio Zenteno

Industrial policies in Brazil: what haven’t we learned from the Asian experience?
Pedro Da Motta Veiga

STI Policy for Structural Transformation-Karean Experience
Sung Chung Chul

Relevant issues to increase the economic relations
Jorge Fernández-Baca

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